

The best information on mindset, high-performance, and personal development from Elliot Roe and the Primed Mind team. 



Hypnotizing Someone with Hypnotic Power Words and Phrases

One of the most impressive features of hypnosis is that, despite it being very effective, it requires few tools other than words. You may be wondering then if hypnosis uses certain words that are more powerful than the words we use in our everyday communication. The answer is no—hypnosis doesn’t rely on a certain, special […]

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Understand Conversational Hypnosis and Conversational Hypnosis Techniques

What is conversational hypnosis? And how does it work? Conversational hypnosis is a broad term that gathers a variety of techniques under one umbrella. They have a different style than traditional hypnosis methods, and that’s why hypnotists put them into their own separate category. Conversational techniques are simply tools that a hypnotist uses to help […]

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Using Hypnosis to Stop Overeating (Does It Really Work?)

If you struggle with overeating, you know that it can be debilitating. It’s a lot more than simply feeling a little guilty or nauseous after eating that extra piece of cake. Overeating can lead to a poor sense of self-worth and grave health conditions. Those who struggle with overeating may look for ways to stop. […]

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Does Medicare or Insurance Cover Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis has a range of science-backed health benefits. This leads many people to wonder if hypnotherapy is covered by Medicare or private insurance. In many cases, hypnotherapy is not covered by Medicare. However, sometimes private health insurance will cover part of your hypnotherapy costs. But, typically, there are requirements that you must meet. In this […]

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How I Prime – Winning a WSOP Bracelet

The World Series of Poker is the Super Bowl, Olympics, and World Cup all rolled into one for poker players. The only difference is that …

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Hypnosis for High Functioning Anxiety

Can Hypnosis Help with High Functioning Anxiety

Individuals with high-functioning anxiety experience anxiety symptoms, but it can appear as though they do not. In fact, they often appear to be more successful …

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High functioning anxiety

Mindfulness Tips for High Functioning Anxiety | Primed Mind

Individuals who have high-functioning anxiety are organized, high-achieving, and productive. To outsiders, it appears as if their lives are completely put together. But on the …

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Hypnosis for insomnia

Hypnosis for Insomnia: Using Hypnosis To Fall Asleep Fast

Hypnosis is an effective way to address insomnia so you can sleep well and have more productive days. It allows you to fall asleep faster …

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