
Episode 17: Dr. Kayvon K – Mindset, Accountability & Momentum

Unlock Your Potential, Become The Best Version Of You, Perform On Demand – Inquire About Private Coaching With Elliot Roe


In today’s episode, Dr. Kayvon K, productivity and mindset coach for entrepreneurs, shares some of the biggest stumbling blocks that high-performing entrepreneurs face. Dr. Kayvon started off his career as a doctor but was soon presented with a fork in the road when he found it too difficult to push his empathy aside. After an interesting journey, Dr. Kayvon now helps entrepreneurs and CEOs get out of their own way so they can continue to grow. Listen in as Dr. Kayvon explains how resistance holds us back and how we can push past it effectively.

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Time Stamped Show Notes

[01:01] –Introducing Kayvon and how he became a coach for entrepreneurs

[01:30] – How and why Dr. Kayvon went from being a doctor to a coach for entrepreneurs

[05:06] – Where entrepreneurs and CEOs are getting stuck when it comes to mindset

[06:15] – How Dr. Kayvon helps his clients get out of their own way

[07:00] – Understanding and breaking through self sabotage

[07:20] – Why Dr. Kayvon focuses on helping clients find their core strengths

[08:00] – This work demands deep and radical honesty

[08:15] – Since we only have one mind we need one highest priority. Dr. Kayvon helps his clients figure out what this is through a series of questions.

[09:17] – How Dr. Kayvon’s empathy presented him with a fork in the road

[10:20] – How Dr. Kayvon realized that he is not made for working on the sad side of helping people

[10:30] – Turning this on its head and working with people on growth and positive impact has helped him find his zone of genius

[11:33] – The common theme between Dr. Kayvon’s various products and audiences who may be at different stages in their growth

[12:00] – He helps all of these people with clarification through the process of simplifying things so they can narrow down their focus and become high performers.

[12:45] – How the issues you’re facing show up in different ways

[13:00] – It’s one thing to be able to recognize them but how do you deal with it?

[13:20] – Mindset training and martial arts training have a surprising amount in common

[13:34] – How the person who is trained in dealing with these issues deals with them vs how an untrained person deals with them

[13:45] – Are we trained in our responses or are we not?

[14:00] – You only have 2 options when faced with a trigger: having a reaction or having a response

[14:20] – His favorite system to use when distraction is the trigger

[15:00] – There is a response for everything. Example: When I find myself getting distracted, I set the timer and use the Pomodoro technique.

[15:05] – Kayvon’s passion project that helps people know how to respond to any given trigger

[15:40] – Making our reactions to responses second nature takes training but it allows you to respond instead of react

[16:25] – How his clients are using these techniques

[16:30] – When you procrastinate on something, only commit to the first 5 minutes. Anybody can do just 5 minutes.

[17:20] – More often than not, this subdues the resistance so you can continue the work after the first 5 minutes without it feeling daunting or overwhelming.

[18:05] – It’s very difficult to work in something and on something at the same time

[18:20] – We react differently to different environments but you can create your own productive environment that is natural and gets you results

[18:53] – Tricking our mind with intelligently-designed environments is much more effective than trying to use willpower

[19:35] – The 2 twists that Dr. Kayvon applies to scheduling to make it even more effective

[19:47] – “I don’t prioritize my schedule, I schedule my priorities”

[20:04] – Why you should use what you know about when you work best to schedule your most important work for the day

[20:49] – He schedules tasks based on natural engagement

[21:00] – There are times of day when your brain is naturally more in input, output, or creative mode and you should embrace those natural patterns

[21:40] – If I have a call when I’m in creative mode my creative work will suffer later and so will the call because that is best suited for output mode

[22:30] – This results in an environment of productivity where I’m naturally doing the right things at the right time

[22:45] – Recommendations for anyone wanting to optimize how they work

[23:07] – The difference between Dr. Kayvon’s programs and who is best suited for each

3 Key Points

  • If you’re doing several things for clients, focus on what you enjoy most and where you deliver the most value.
  • Regardless of what we’re doing, we are always in our own way.
  • Embrace your natural patterns when scheduling your day. 



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