
063 – Julien Smith – The First Venture-Funded Success

Imagine for a moment—if you could access vast resources, what might you be able to accomplish? How quickly might your ideas become reality… if only you had the money?

The good news is there’s funding available, waiting to be invested. But how can you tap into it?

In this episode, co-founder of Breather and Practice, and bestselling author, Julien Smith talks about how he unlocked the universe of venture funding and stayed ahead of the game as CEO of a fast-growing company. Plus, he shares tips for business owners seeking outside investment for the first time.

Time Stamped Show Notes

[00:00:00] Welcome to this episode with guest Julien Smith

  • [00:01:42] Julien starts with podcasting, gains momentum with bestselling book
  • [00:04:20] The thrill of raising venture capital for the first time

[00:08:13] What happens when new decision-makers come on board?

  • [00:10:49] Building an executive team and delegating responsibility

[00:14:02] How did Julien stay ahead as his company growth accelerated?

  • [00:16:36] Julien’s insight into hiring and firing decisions as company leader
  • [00:22:03] How can you get investors interested in your idea?

[00:29:33] Julien provides tools to other entrepreneurs getting started

  • [00:32:21] Where can you find out more about Julien and Practice?

[00:33:13] Wrap-up—thanks for checking out this episode of the Primed Mind Podcast!

3 Key Points

  1. How do you attract capital funding to your business? Selling a portion of your company is like selling anything else. You’ve got to believe in your vision, demonstrate how you could make it happen with the resources, and illustrate how the growth of your company would benefit an investor.
  2. As CEO, how can you stay ahead of accelerating company growth? Julien says it’s about self-awareness, maintaining your identity separate from business, and executing the right decisions despite the emotions you face.
  3. Julien says your first successful venture becomes the machine to launch your future ideas. Once you get a grasp on the process and have your first win, seeking funding becomes easier.


Breather Website:

Practice.do Website:

Follow Julien on Twitter

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