
052 – Fedor Holz – Do What You Love

052 – Fedor Holz – Do What You Love

Fedor Holz may have retired from playing poker full time, but that doesn’t mean he’s been sitting on his hands…

Over one weekend this past summer, Fedor scored over $2 million in online tournament wins, and he’s been exploring his other passions in life, like coaching clients and building businesses. In fact, Fedor is the cofounder for Primed Mind, and we’ve got some exciting content in the works for the Primed Mind community!

In this episode, Fedor talks about doing what you love, how it can evolve and shift over time, and what it means to journey down the path of least friction…

Where do you feel the most flow in your life? Follow that to find fulfillment. Listen to this episode to learn more!

Time Stamped Show Notes

[00:00:00] Welcome to this week’s episode with Fedor Holz

[00:01:55] Fedor’s shift away from professional poker and into learning new things

  • [00:04:39] Freeing up the space for new creativity…
  • [00:06:38] Follow the flow and fun—where is there the least friction?

[00:08:59] Designing a daily life that works for you

  • [00:11:39] Finding curiosity in what you do—and the effortlessness it brings
  • [00:15:43] It’s not all about success and money…
  • [00:21:28] The beautiful benefits of networking

[00:24:09] Realizing you know very little opens the doors wide for possibilities…

  • [00:26:55] Be open to infinite complexity and embrace your limited understanding
  • [00:29:28] Awareness, curiosity, and intuition lead the way…

[00:31:52] What’s on the horizon for Fedor?

[00:36:08] Wrap-up—thanks for checking out this episode!

3 Key Points

  1. What in your life feels effortless? Follow that flow! Fedor says it’s your curiosities that lead you to fulfillment. If you find yourself bored with what you’re doing, then take an inquisitive approach. If that doesn’t work, well, you’re probably in the wrong place…
  2. Free up the space for your creative thinking to find you solutions. Growth slows when you’re cramming in a giant to-do list. Fedor says 80% of his evolution happens in 10% or 20% of the efforts. Empty out the old so that you can fill back up with new.
  3. If you think you believe you have nothing more to learn, then you’ll never progress. In realizing how little you actually understand, a whole universe of possibilities opens up to you


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Reach Out To Fedor For Coaching – Info@fedorholz.com
Primed Mind – Elliot’s Mindset Coaching App


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